- Volunteer: Attend meetings and events such as UNYA meets, clean ups and many more…
- Volunteer of a Working Group: You can join on of the active working groups (see below) and organise events and other working group specific activities with your fellow volunteers and the working group manager
- Become part of the Journalism Team: As part of the Journalism team you will be able to make your voice heard! Write about UNYA related topics (international politics, current political and societal issues…) or co-author with other volunteers. If you like writing but have no idea about what, the other volunteers and your Journalism Manager will help you!
- Interested? You can contact the team directly by e-mail: press-aal@unya.dk
- Become part of the Social Media Team: You are creative? The Social Media Team creates what you can see on our social media channels. Layout, design, write and publish – that is what you can do as a part of this team.
- Interested? You can contact the team directly by e-mail: pr-aal@unya.dk
- Manager of a Working Group: You lead one of the working groups. What does “leading” mean? You organise frequent meetings with your working group where you discuss theme related issues and you will plan as well as accompany events and activities such as movie screenings, discussions and workshops.
- Part of the Board: Manage UNYA Aaalborg and be part of the board.
Notice: For the positions of managers and the board, elections are annually held.
Working Groups:
Climate Action:

We are the Clima Action Working Group!
Peace and Justice:

The Peace and Justice working group at UNYA Aalborg is dedicated to engaging and empowering the youth in Aalborg and surrounding areas to become active contributors to a more peaceful and just society. Our activities are centred around raising awareness, educating, and mobilizing young people to take meaningful action towards building a peaceful and equitable world. We regularly hold volunteer meetings, creating a platform for young individuals to share ideas, collaborate, and plan activities that promote peace and justice in our community. One of our key events was the screening of “5 Broken Cameras”, a thought-provoking documentary that offers insight into the complexities of peace and conflict. This event served as a powerful tool for raising awareness and stimulating discussion among our members.
Engaging the youth: we believe that engaging the youth is crucial for long-lasting change. Our approach includes creating spaces for young people to learn, discuss, and express their views on topics related to peace and justice. Offering opportunities for young people to develop skills in leadership, advocacy, and diplomacy.
Join us!
Gender Equality: