A very important element of UNYA is the events, publications, activities and posts done by various ‘working groups’. Working groups are issue-oriented groups addressing topics and events of some of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (see below).

Climate Action Teams
(Aalborg & Copenhagen)
The Climate Action working group works with SDG #13 which is Climate Action. This group has previously focused on creating an article that explored the effects Covid-19 has had on the environment. An event one can look forward to is the Aalborg Clean-Up on April 25th. The idea is that the participants will get some social interaction with friends or family members, whilst doing something good for the climate and the community.
Check out the Facebook Event here.

Global Health Teams
(Aalborg & Copenhagen)
The Global Health working group mainly works with SDG#3 which is also known as, Good Health and Well-Being.

Peace & Justice Teams
(Aalborg & Copenhagen)
The Peace and Justice working group works with SDG #16 which is Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions. This group focuses on creating events that permit a greater awareness surrounding contemporary issues involving justice, security, transparency, and inclusivity – in a way that promotes the development of potential solutions to these issues. Some events to look forward to including are online events focused specifically on building awareness regarding the realization of SDG 16 within the international community.

Gender Equality Teams
(Aalborg & Copenhagen)
The Gender Equality working group works with SDG #5 which is Gender Equality. This group focuses on three different topics, based on the volunteers’ main interests, being: Gender Identity, Menstrual & Sexual Health + Reproductive Rights, and Women in Decision-making Positions. Their aim is to create awareness and encourage dialogue about different contemporary issues within these areas of gender equality. Some events to look forward to including is the Inclusive Sexual Health and STD’s online event which is currently planned from the Gender Identity group in collaboration with the Global Health group. The Menstrual & Sexual Health group is currently planning numerous events about menstrual health in collaboration with other organisations for this summer. Furthermore, the Women in Decision-Making Positions group is currently writing an article about women in leadership and planning an event about women in corporate life.

Debates Team
The Debates working group works with many different SDG’s, but currently they are concentrating on SDG #16 which is Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions. This group focuses on building debate events centered around topics such as the legalization of cannabis and the riots at the Capitol. Their aim is to primarily create formal debates that analyze the assumptions underlying claims around contemporary issues in a way that specifically develops analytical skills for those involved.
Want to get involved?
Check out one of our events, follow us on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter
Can’t wait for either? Become a member today or contact us directly at info@unya.dk.